Django + Vue Experiments
A collection of experiments for integrating Vue into Django templates.
This is a collection of experiments for integrating Vue into Django templates.
It’s a work in progress. Best practices haven’t best solidified yet, but at least a couple of worst practices have been winnowed out.
This experiment has been fun, but in all honestly I wouldn’t recommend it to someone trying to build a full production application. In my opinion (which is not necessarily the consensus), you’ll be better off decoupling your frontend entirely with Django-Rest-Framework. You can learn more about my reasoning for this conclusion and the inspiration for this experiment by reading the prologue Exploring Frontend Options for Django Applications.
My hope is that these experiments will be inspiration for the curious, a word of caution for the optimists, and a springboard for the adventurous who want to take it further.
Also, it’s probably worth hearing from these developers who had more success at this approach than I did: